Baltimore, March 30 (1920?)

Dear  Hollyday Hudgins, my Grandson, and Namesake                                                


I have your nice letter and note you say you would like me to give you some of my war experience, as you wanted to get information direct from a fighter. You can hardly get much from me in the fighting line because I was disabled and rendered unfit for field service after being in only two battles, the first was at Winchester and it was only a skirmish for two days, the second at Gettysburg when we fought on two days where I was wounded end captured in the last charge made by my regiment.

It may interest you however to get an account of how I came to enter the service, my experience in getting there etc.

Eleven years of my young life was spent in Philadelphia and New York, all my school days in the former city. I was living in the latter City when the war broke out. I was over a year in making up my mind to join the service, and then I had to find a way through the Yankee lines to reach Richmond. We Marylanders had to virtually fight our way into the Army. The Yankees had picket lines all along the boarder between Virginia and Maryland; the Potomac River and Chesapeake Bay.

 I left New York August, 15th, 1862_ went to Philadelphia to bid my parents good bye, remained there two or three days and then went to an Uncles in Kent Co., Md. staid with him a. few days then went to another Uncle at Readburn in Queen Ann’s Co. the old Hollyday homestead where my father was born, remained there a week or ten days until I received one evening a notice, that I was to leave the next morning with a cousin who also wanted to join the Army.

A friend drove us to Smyrna, Del. where we stopped all night with a relative of President Davis. I had a sick headache when I reached there, had to go to bed and missed spending the evening with several very pretty girls. The next morning we drove to Dover, Del., where we took the train to Seaford Del., arriving there late that afternoon we were greeted by the hotel manager and told that a dentist of the town would take us farther on our journey.

The next morning we set out in a buggy driven by the dentist. It is well to state here that we were entirely in the hands of strangers, did not know from day to day who we were to meet or where we were to go. The dentist lost his way and could not find the party who was to take us another leg on our way He put us up with some friends, a poor but honest family where we remained a couple of days, part of the time concealed in a corn field as we were told Yankee scouting parties were hunting around the Country for just such

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people as we were.

On the second day of our stay we decided to move a little farther up the road to a brother of our host, a blacksmith but a Southern sympathizer [sp]. On our way an old man on horseback rode up to us and said “you are strangers in this part”, we replyed [sp], ”yes, are you not Mr. Raleigh?” We said, he was and directed us to stay at the Blacksmiths until about 11 o’clock that night when he would send for us. At the appointed time a light wagon came and drove us to a landing at Viena, on the Nanticoke river [sp], we there took a boat crossed the river and were turned over to another party who gave us lodging for the balance of the night, and after breakfast, the next morning, took us to a little island in the middle of a swamp, where we staid for several days sleeping at night in a pit made for keeping potatoes during the winter. On the afternoon of the third day we were put on a little sail boat with about twelve others and some blockade goods and started for old Virginia. We sailed down the Nanticoke River through Tanger Sound and Cajiz straight and then across the Chesapeake Bay.

As we approached the Virginia shore at about the darkest hour of early morning we were greated[sp] with a call “boat ahoy“, we made no answer, and another call came, “boat ahoy, heave to or we will fire”. These summons came from a Yankee picket boat, watching to intercept parties trying to cross. We still kept on,and a shot came across our bow. About half of the men jumped overboard and waded ashore. About this time my dander began to rise and grabbing an oar (which by the way I did not know how to use) called out “stand by the boat boys, stand by the boat”. We were then getting close to the shore and the balance of the men with exception of myself the Captain and one other man, jumped overboard.

The Captain maneuvered his boat into the mouth of a little river, out of sight of the Yankees, ran close into the shore and asked us to take down the sail, just as we did so,, he called out “take care of yourselves boys” and jumped overboard, the other man followed, leaving me alone As I did not want to be captured I got overboard waded ashore but had to leave my baggage behind. I caught up to these two men and the Captain took us to the house of a friend who lived near the shore. The Yankees came up and took the boat with the goods aboard, but did not land. We had been told that these were Yankees in the neighborhood of where we were to land and from that fact two amusing incidents took place. Just after we reached the shore we saw a number of white spots before us and took them to be tents, we thought we were about to be captured but an investigation proved the white spots to be tomb stones. The other party who had gone ahead of us, heard the tramping of feet and thought they

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were about to run into some Cavalry, they were much alarmed but their fears were soon quieted when the Cavalry turned out to be hogs running along the road. After taking dinner with the Captain’s friend most of our party (including my cousin) got together and walked to Heathsville (about 7 miles) there we were given two Yankee prisoners to take to Richmond.  The morning after reaching Heathsville we secured a conveyance and continued on our way traveling twenty to thirty miles a day and finally reached Richmond on the 14th of September.

On arriving there I found the Company I wanted to join had gone to Charlottesville. As there were no trains out of Richmond that day I had to wait until the next morning and took the first train I could get. Arrived at Charlottesville and was sworn into the service about 3 o’clock P.M. My brother William was a member of the Company I joined.  Remained at Charlottesville only one day when we were ordered to Winchester where our regiment was organized during the coming month. During the winter of 62&63 my regiment and a brigade of Cavalary [sp] under Genl. W. E. Janes held the valley against the enemy. When they advanced we fell back and as they retired we followed them which kept us moving frequently, camping at different places without tents, lying on the ground in all kinds of weather with no protection from rain or snow. Our rations consisted of one pound flour, one pound of beef, no coffee, surgar [sp] or salt. We baked our own bread in a spider or skillet. In January we marched to Morfield and returned without meeting the enemy. Early in the spring we again went to Morefield, where the Cavalry left us and made a raid on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, doing considerable damage. During this trip we were absent about 10 days, marching at he rate of 23 miles a day and part of the time with only two hard tack and a half pound of bacon a day for our rations.  Early in May we moved camp to Fishers Hill about 20 miles from Winchester, which place was held by the Yankees.


To be continued

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April l7th,1920.


Dear Hollyday

I expect you are tired of waiting for another installment of my experience. In my last article I mentioned that in our travels up and down the valley we encamped without shelter of any kind. There were several exceptions, once we were in New Market where my company acted as provost guard we then lived in a wheel wright shop, and at times amused ourselves dancing and as there were no girls I rolled up my sleeves to show bare arms and posed as a female, some one called me biddie from that time the name stuck to me until after the war.

We encamped at another time in a woods where there were a number of small pine and cedar trees, these we cut down and made huts or shebangs (as they were called) like this one end was left open and in front of this we made big wood fires to keep us warm. One day while cooking dinner some of the Maryland Cavalry came galloping in and said the Yankees were a short distance up the road, the long roll was beaten, we dropped arrangements for dinner, formed regiment and started out in a hurry to meet the enemy, marched a couple of miles, formed in line of battle, but the enemy had halted farther up the pike. Our cavalry soon came up, charged, drove them back to Winchester and by night had over 100 prisoners.

Three brothers of my Company left on the fire when started out, a goose cooking, on our return one of them looked in the pot on the fire and found the goose gone, he called to his brother “Walley, Walley, goose money gone to”. Ever after that when marching if we saw a goose, you could hear the Company call, “Walley here’s your goose”. The men were always full of life, ready for fun and many amusing things took place. If a cavalryman came along they would call out, “come out of those boats I see your ears wiggling”. On one occasion an old man came riding along, he had a long beard, wore a long coat and high hat, the men began, jeering him in many ways, he suddenly stopped, faced them and said, “I have read in the bible of Balam’s ass speaking, but this is the first time I have ever seen his asses.”

One of the favorite songs while marching was “Then let the wild world wag as it we’ll be gay and happy still.”

The days at Fishers Hall was taken up with drilling and preparing for the summer campaign which we knew would soon be at hand. On the 14th of June we received orders to march and soon we were drawn up in line of battle on a hill about three miles from Winchester. The Yanks threw a few shells at us, but fortunately no one was hurt. In a short time my company was sent out as skirmishers, while we were attracting the attention of the enemy reinforcements

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 came up and worked their way in their rear I succeeded in getting my first shot, using a gun and cartridge that had been captured from them. After a little, having accomplished our object, we were ordered to retreat under a fire from a battery which had been run up on us. Every time a shell came towards us, you would see the whole line bow their heads, this seemed to be involuntary. Just as one of the shells struck close to a man on my right the Major of our regiment, rode up on horseback and called out “gallant men, I can take you anywhere”. He paid no more attention to the shells than if he was riding out for pleasure. His acts and words had such an effect on me that the noise of the shell did not disturb me again.

We rested all night as well as we could with the rain pouring down in torrents, and in the morning were sent out again as skirmishers, I was in second platoon which put me back on the reserve line, and although under fire all day could not return it for fear of shooting some my company who were in front of us. I was somewhat surprised while laying here to see a young boy of 13 or 14 walking along the lines seemingly oblivious to the bullets passing over, I drove him away fearing he might be shot, there had been so much fighting around Winchester the people had become used to it.

We remained in this position all night and entered Winchester early in the morning, capturing nearly all the garrison, large quantities of stores Artillery etc. My part of the spoils was a new rubber blanket, camp knife and haversack. We rested in Winchester a few days and then started on our march which carried to Gettysburg. We crossed the Potomac near where I was born, and near where your Great GrandMother Hollyday was born.

We got permission to visit an Uncle who lived only a few miles from our line of march, stayed with him all night and his daughters carried us the next morning to Hagerstown, arriving there we found our regiment had continued on, so there was nothing for us to do but follow them, going through the enemy’s country just us two alone.

At one part of our journey we were surrounded by eight or ten Pennsylvanians who very kindly told us we would not go much farther as there was a force to oppose our going through the mountains a few miles from where we were. We caught up to the company just as they where sent as skirmishers to open the way. It was amusing to see how the Militia dropped their accountrements and ran down the side of the mountain. We continued advancing our line of skirmishes until we reached McConnelsville a mile or so beyond the mountain, staid, there a day or two then continued our march going through Chambersburg until we were near Carlisle, where we rested a day or two and were then ordered to move back. Found we were going towards Gettysburg and soon heard the sound of

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guns and met wounded men and prisoners, from them we learned there had been a heavy battle nearly all day.

We formed line of battle and marched over the ground from where the Yankees had been drive saw dead and wounded lying around. Why we were not rushed into the battle to follow up the retreating Yankees has always been a mystery.

We laid in the Streets of Gettysburg until midnight and then moved around to Culps Hill where we remained until about four o’clock the next day and then began a charge on the Yankee lines; just before starting the charge Lieut.Randolph McKim, an aid on General Steuarts staff, came to our Company and offered up prayer. Dr. McKim is now a priest of the Episcopal Church and is rector of one of the largest parishes in Washington. The Yankees say we advanced but did hot charge, however we took possession of their breastworks and remained their all night. The next morning we formed line inside of their works made another charge, and were repulsed with heavy loss, my company loosing in the 15 hours battle 63 men killed and wounded out of ninety odd taken into the fight.

As we were charging I turned my head to the right and it looked as if the whole line was falling, I got so angry that I did not hear the order to fall back, so I kept on until finding myself alone, I halted, fired my gun at a flag bearer and started back trying to lead my gun as I went I was just drawing a cartridge when a bullet went through my thigh, broke the bone and brought me to the ground. As soon as I fell I took my handkerchief tied it around my leg above the wound and with my bayonet, which I took off my gun, twisted the handkerchief as tight as I could to prevent the loss of blood if any arteries were cut. I expected every minute would be my last as the balls were striking around me in all positions, one struck my foot and glanced off, another hit my hip and struck a camp knife in my pocket, which saved me from another bad wound. It is strange how thoughts come into ones mind under such circumstances. I straightened myself out, folded my arms over my breast and thought some of my people would find me and could see that I passed away, satisfied with the consciousness of duty faithfully performed.

Some years after the war my regiment erected a monument in the works we captured, on it is an inscription which reads “reached a stone planted 100 yards west of this monument’. This stone is at the farthest point reached by the regiment in the charge, not far from the Yankee line of battle and as close to the spot where I fell as I could remember.


to be continued

me know if you are getting tired of this.

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I must have laid on the field for an hour when the Yankee beckoned me to come to them, as I was unable to walk, two of them ran out, caught me under the arms dragged me into their lines and put me on a litter.  One of their men called "is that a rebel"  I called back "yes he is a rebel"  another one called, "you know you are fighting your own men".  I replyed "yes and we intend to fight them".

 I had a package of Confederate Coffee in my haversack, made of chicory etc, a little piece of meat about the size of two fingers and a towel, and hanging to it a can containing a pound of lard ( which I bought with a little silver that I had) to use in making bread.  The package of coffee made the haversack look pretty full and I suppose Mr. Yank thought I had something good in it, he said, "you had better take that off, you wont need it any more"  I did as he requested but think he must have been disappointed when he  looked  inside.  I was then taken to the field hospital where the doctor ripped up my pants and gathering my drawer leg in a bunch  saturated it with water and put in on the wound, I was also given a drink of whiskey, after which I was carried into a  house and laid alongside of a Yankee who was badly wounded in the chest. 

In a little while the two of us were put into an ambulance.  My Yankee companion was groaning considerably, while the drivers were cursing him, but they were very civil to me. 

We were taken to the 6th Corps Hospital.  Shortly after arriving there the doctor came to me and I said to him "doctor there are your own men attend to them first"  he said "are you comfortable"  I told him yes, so he went to one or two of his men then came back to me and bandaged my leg while I held it for him.  I was under the impression that a wound like mine necessitated amputating the leg, and  I said to him "the leg will have to come off won't it doctor"  he replyed "you seem to have made up your mind it has to be done". 

One of the Yankees who was eating soup came to me and said "haven't you anything to eat".  I told him "no" so he gave me some of the soup.

 I remained here all afternoon, listening to the noise of the Artillery and Musketry which was very heavy.  It was during the time when we were charging the left wing of the Yankee Army and I was looking every minute to see our boys coming over the hill driving the Yankees before them.  Although our men got into the Yankee lines they could not hold them and were repulsed with heavy loss.

 I remained in this tent until about sun down when I was put in an ambulance with a member of my regiment and carried to a grave yard.  The drivers of the ambulance were again cursing my comrade who was groaning and talking, just as they did their own man who was with me in the first ambulance ride.  On reaching the grave yard the driver asked me if I had a blanket, I told

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him no, in a few minutes he came with one, in the meantime I found Sergt, Thomas of my Company, so I had them move him to my side and we both laid under the same blanket.  

Shortly after reaching the grave yard two Yankees came to me and I found they were member of the 14th New York regiment.  A company in which I used to drill sometimes while I was in New York though I was not an actual member.  They brought me a piece of light bread and two raw onions.  I put my hand in my pocket to get my knife and found it was bent up by the bullet which struck me there, also found three pieces of the ball.  I was somewhat amused one day while here when a woman came up and handed me a slice of bread smeared with apple butter saying as she gave it, "Charity of Pennsylvania".  

I was to hungry to refuse.  On the third afternoon after I was laid out in the grave yard, I was taken to the Seminary Building which our own people had converted into a hospital.  On arriving there I was met by the surgeon of a Virginia regiment and after he examined my wound said the leg must be amputated so the next morning he ordered the men to carry me to the amputating table, just as they were about to lay me on it, they rushed in another man who had his leg cut off while in the grave yard, a hemorhage[sp] had set in and he had to be attended to first. 

I was put on the floor while he was attended to.  As soon as they were through three doctors came to me and consulted the Senior doctor said my leg would have to be amputated at the hip.  The Virginia doctor said three out of four died under such an operation and he did not want to try it on a Confederate Soldier.  They concluded that as I was in such good condition and spirits I had an even chance for my life and decided to put a prominent surgeon of Baltimore who had volunteered his services to care for the wounded, to hunt me up.  Fortunately he came to the hospital where I was, straightened me out in bed and told me the necessity of keeping my leg in one position, he later had a splint sent up from Baltimore, but before he could put it on had to leave on account of the threatened blood poison.

I therefore lost his services and from that time attended to the wound myself.  I kept up my good spirits.  On one occasion after I had been moved and my bed fixed up, some good ladies who were assisting in the care of our wounded, thought I was fatigued by the exertion, and brought me a glass of wine and cake, I told them I never drank wine, but they insisted on my drinking it.  A number of Yankees had gathered around my door, as I thought I would have a little fun with them.  I said ladies if you insist on my drinking the wine I will do so with a toast, holding up my

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glass I shook it at the Yankees and said "here is to the success of General Robert E. Lee and all our Confederate Generals."  The did not get angry as I thought they would, said he is a great boy and went off laughing. 

I remained at this hospital about six weeks and then was moved to a general hospital in tents, where there were both Confederate and Federal Soldiers.  I frequently talked with the doctor who had charge of our tent and asked him if I could have a uniform brought into me, he said, "no, you will not need a uniform any more".  I told him that as long as the war lasted my back would be graced with the grey[sp] uniform.

I explained my need to a Baltimore lady who was there assisting in the care of the wounded and shortly after, she came into my tent one evening about dusk, sat on my bed and after talking a few minutes got up and said here is your uniform, which consisted of a Cadet Grey jacket, slouch hat and a pair of shoes (I had a good pair of pants that I bought from one of our officers) she brought these things under her skirt.  This same party took the splint which Dr. Johnson brought me, back to him in the same way.

One morning I was notified there would be a festival in camp that day and that all patients, both Confederate and Federal, able to walk must go to a table in the grove for dinner.

I said I would go without my dinner before I would do it.  I dressed myself in my new uniform, went around the camp on my crutches and got as good a cussing as any body need want.   At dinner time my dinner was brought to me, and it was a good one consisted of fryed[sp] chicken etc.  For supper we had ice-cream and cake.

There was a Tennessean in my tent wounded as I was but suffering a great deal more.  When the ice cream was offered him, he refused it, said he had never tasted any, I begged him to try it, told him how good it was and I was sure he would like it.  He finally said put some in my tin cup and I will eat it tomorrow morning.  I told him it would not keep, but he insisted on having his way and the next morning when he took up his cup the melted icecream ran out much to his distress.

About the middle of September I was carried to Baltimore and put in West Building Hospital where I remained a month.  While here my father brought me a pair of nice crutches which I was allowed to receive although he was not permitted to come in and talk to me.  About the middle of October we heard we were to be paroled and sent to Richmond. 

Just before we were ordered to the boat, on of my Company Winder Liard, a noble man, told me he had a pair of new shoes he wanted to get though and asked me to wear them.  I found I could put them on over my own shoes, so told him I would try it.  Another comrade who had a citizens suit he wanted to carry with him asked me to put it

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on over my uniform which I did.  When I got to the corner of the house turning to go to the boat, I saw a line of soldiers and some of them examining every man who came along.  All who had extra clothing on was made to take them off.  I was really frightened for I thought they would take my uniform from me and leave me the citizens suit, for a moment I hesitated but knowing I had to face the ordeal threw back my head, swung along on my crutches, walked over the pile of clothing they had taken from our men, looked neither to the right or left, and strange to say they let me by without examining me.  I was a happy man when I got on the boat.

The coffee they gave us was really not fit to drink.  On arriving at the City Point we found there were no Yanks to exchange for us, but the Federal Commissioner of Exchange, agreed to let as many as were able, go on the Confederate boat, an equal number of Yank prisoners to be brought back the next day.  I heard the order given for all who could walk to file in line and get ready for the transfer.  I felt sure i could walk the short distance necessary, so I put my crutches under my arm, got up as high in line as I could and in a few minutes reached our boat with about 125 others.

I then used my crutches again and joined in the cheering.  We steamed up the James River through the obstructions and torpedoes that had been placed in the river to keep the Yanks out.  Not many months later this same boat while making a trip struck a torpedo and was sunk with the loss of a number of men.  Reached Richmond early in the morning and was sent to the Chemboraze Hospital remained there a few days and got a transfer to the Robertson Hospital, of which Miss Sally Tompkins was head.

This lady spent her fortune in keeping this up and later was given a commission as Captain by President Davis for her good work.  As soon as I was able I secured a position as clerk in the Medical Purveyors Department, at a salary of $125.00 per month, the whole of which I had to pay for meals and took up my sleeping quarters in the warehouse where we kept supplies.  The clerks in the various departments in Richmond were armed and formed into a battalion.

I was exempt because of my wound.  One afternoon news came that the Yanks were making a raid and were nearing the west end of the City.  All was excitement, bells were ringing, the battallion[sp] was ordered out.  We had no troops on that side of the City and had to depend on what we could pick up from different places.  I came to the conclusion that it was an emergency which all should respond to, so I got a musket and started to join the battalion.  On my way I was hailed by one of my company who was on furlough in the City and told that Col. Kane was gathering all Marylanders he could find into a company.  As I wanted

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to be with my own people, I waited for them.  They were detained sometime getting guns and amunition[sp], but as soon as we could marched off for the front, on our way we met President Davis and his staff coming in, who rode up and told us it was not necessary to go any farther as the Yanks had been driven away.

Had I not waited for my comrades I would have been in the fight.   I became restless, wanted to get back to my regiment and in March received a detail as clerk to General Bradley (?). Johnsons, headquarters.  He was then in command of the Maryland Line, consisting of the 1st Md. Cavalry, Baltimore Light Artillery, Chesapeake Artillery and D(?)ments Battery.  Early in May, we were informed that the Yanks Cavalry was making a big raid and were marching toward Richmond.  Our Commands were ordered out, the Cavalry to find the enemy and the Infantry and Artillery to guard the bridges over the railroads.

I secured permission from the adjutant to join my company, secured a gun and followed them to Taylorsville where they were guarding a bridge.  Just as I arrived they were ordered to another position, and Capt. Thomas seeing me ordered me to stay where I was and take (eligible) of some baggage belonging to our men who were off somewhere.

As soon as they returned and got their things I started off to find the Company again.  I reached them just as a gun was fired.  I will never forget the appearance of Genl. Johnson, he was on a splendid looking horse, both the horse and rider seemed ready for a charge, as I passed he pointed to me and said "look at Hollyday" we staid here until about the middle of the nigh, when an order came to fall in, I took my old place in line, but before the Company was brought to a front, the Capt. came down the line and when he reached me said "get out of there Lamar", I answered "what is the matter Captain" and in reply he said, "you can't stay there".  This made me a little angry so I fell in the rear and followed them, it turned out that we were ordered back to camp.  The day after I found the regiment had again been sent out to defend some positions along the railroad, and learning that my company was stationed at a bridge about two or three miles from camp got my musket, jumped on a train just moving along and soon reached the fort the company were in.  As soon as I reached there Captain Thomas came to me and told me that if I ever came again he would put me in the "guard house".  Knowing how lame I was he did not want me to be with them.

The summer campaign had now opened and every time the command moved I was sent back to the wagon train which I did not like.  The day after the battle of Cold Harbor I overheard some cavalry talking and one of them said the 2nd, Maryland covered themselves with glory yesterday, charging with out orders, driving 

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the Yanks out of our breastworks which they had captured during heavy fog, said our loss was slight but that Sergent Hollyday, (my brother) was killed.  I then went to Genl. Johnson asked him to send me to Richmond as I was no use to them where I was and I wanted to recover my brothers body. 

About ten days after this I secured an ambulance went out to Cold Harbor, found my brothers body and buried him in Hollywood cemetery.  His remains has since been brought to Baltimore and now rest by our Company Monument in Loudon Park Cemetery. 

On my return to Richmond I was sent to the Robertson hospital but just after I got there orders came to close the hospital, so I was sent to Camp Steuart[sp], on the outskirts of the City.  Shortly after this President Davis ordered the Robertson to be reopened with the understanding that it must be conducted under government regulations.  Miss Sally Tompkins and the ladies who had been interesting themselves in the Robertson came to me and asked me to take the position of Hospital Steward. 

Believing I would help them and at the sametime make the hospital a head quarters for my regiment, I accepted and remained with them until the City was evacuated.  During my stay here I made some of the warmest friends that I have ever had, friendship that kept up until broken by death.  On the 2nd of April as I was leaving church I heard General Lee was retreating and that Richmond must be evacuated.  The night following was a terrible one, there were constant explosions of the blowing up of Naval vessels, amunition[sp] and stores being destroyed and fires breaking out in different places. 

I wanted to leave and yet I felt that I ought not to desert the sick in the hospital, one minute I would make up my mind to go, the next I thought it my duty to remain, so it went along all night until early in the morning I finally decided to go, so one of the patients who was on crutches stared out with me.  Miss Sally told us to go to her brothers, Col. Tompkins who lived up the canal about 18 miles.  We reached there before dusk.  The next morning we were asked to ride two horses to Charlottesville which we agreed to do.  My comrade was a cavalryman, but I had never been on a horse more than two or three times in my life.  I was put on a spirited blooded mare and as we rode along she would see something that frightened her and jump from one side to the other.  After one of our rests I tried to jump on her back as the Cavalryman was doing, but failed to get my leg over, the spur I had on struck her in the back and she started to run, with one of my fee in the stirup[sp] and the other on her back, I knew my only salvation was to get my leg over, which I succeeded in doing how I don't know.  I stopped her running turned and went back to my comrade and was told by him

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"Don't say you can't ride after that".

When we reached Charlettesville, Major Finklin, who we were told to leave the horses with, said he had sent all his horses to Greenbrier Co. to keep them away from the Yanks and could not take those we had, so we had to retrace our steps and ride back to Col. Thomkins, reached there about dusk, and were told that a body of Yanks had just gone up the road, we turned and rode off as fast as we could go, so fast that I lost the blanket under my saddle.

We returned to Col. Tompkins again after dusk and turned the horses over to him.  Staid there all night, the next morning started off on foot, my comrade to hunt up and join Mosby, I, to find Genl. Lee  While walking up to the canal I overheard someone say General Lee has surrendered, it is hard to describe my feelings.  i felt that I did not have a place to rest my head.  I determined to keep on and just about dark saw an ambulance driving along the road, containing several men from Richmond who were on their way to hunt up members of the Legislature, and get them to hold a session. 

After going some little distance farther I saw a house which I went to and found it was the home of one of the le(?)gilatures.  He took me in and kept me all night.  I then started out to hunt up the home of Mr. Randolph Bryan, who I had met in Richmond.  (Mr. Bryan was the father of Rev. Mr. Bryan, rector of Old St. John's Hampton)  Night overtook me again and I stopped at a Mr. Gough's house, a splendid southern home, where I spent the night.

The next day I was driven over to Mr. Bryan's and staid there several weeks, when we heard that General Johnson had surrendered and we knew that the war had come to an end.  I returned to Richmond went to Robertson, and staid until I found I could safely return to Baltimore.  This City had been taken possession of by the Yankees, and the feeling was so strong that confederates could not remain.

Two of my brothers on their return had been arrested, put in a negro jail and then sent to Philadelphia.  One of them (your Cousin Worthington's father) was taken out of a sick bed.

Now my story is done, it is a poor description but you will see that I was more of a runner than a fighter.  I did the best I could and am proud I made the effort.  I have no apologies to make and my only regret is that I could not do more.  My sincere hope is, that my grandchildren may never forget the cause their Grandfather on both sides fought for.